I believe in learning. I'm not sure I believe in education.
I believe in fate. I also, at the same time, do not believe in fate.
I don't believe in belts that don't hold anything up, or in giving high-5s (unless the recipient is mentally challenged), or in pennies.
I don't believe in bagels that aren't pre-sliced.
I believe that black people are more highly evolved, and that my freckles are trying to tell me something.
I believe that libraries are more sacred than churches.
I believe that people who spray me with perfume samples at the mall should be shot in the head.
I have an inkling of a belief that I might be slightly over-reactionary.
I believe that John Cusack has indeed made life harder for all men, but I do not believe that any woman should settle for less than her perfect boom-box moment.
I believe in Sex. I would like to believe in Love. I'm not sure how.
I don't believe in regrets.
I do believe in moisturizer.
I believe in hard work, I just don't want to.
I don't believe in sweet-flavoured toothpaste, smoked meats, or flannel sheets.
I believe that Elvis is dead, and so is disco. I also believe in ghosts.
I believe in the goodness of laughter, and tongue kisses, and red wine.
I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in sin. I do believe in karma.
I believe in a thing called Soul.
What do you believe?
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