Sunday, July 21, 2013

The absolute most terrible thing is to be hit with insomnia just as you've gone to bed drunk. You deserve to pass out, but you don't. You just lie there, motionless and spinning, slowly trading the dizziness for a hangover inch by agonizing inch, tormented by the events that blacking out usually permit you to forget.


Jude said...

I don't know what torments you need to forget, but I hope you are okay Jay.

Martini said...

Drinking for fun is way better than drinking to forget! p.s. if you need a drinking buddy, I know someone. (It's not me. It's my pink elephant.)

kenju said...

The last time that happened to me I was in college (back in the dark ages). I hope it never happens again; I hate that feeling of spinning.

Vest said...

My pink elephant was put to death by order of my MD and other Med profs due to the probs I was experiencing with my Waterworks. had to go cold turkey - or else.
It seems the days are longer as I sleep less, cant do sex anymore, But it is nice remembering.

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Scott said...

Insomnia is the worst. Hope you eventually managed to get some good sleep.

Jay said...

I did get some sleep eventually, yes. Insomnia hasn't killed me yet, although it sometimes feels like it really might this time. Unfortunately, it's been a lifelong thing for me, so if I get a little sleep one night, I'll spend the next 3 without.

And not to worry, I'm not drinking to "forget", just wishing to put the day behind me.

Jay said...

Also, can we hear more about all these pink elephants?